Success Stories
Here are some of the wonderful success stories we've witnessed. These beautiful souls all met online before their journey to becoming a couple.
I would like to tell all of my sisters of the rainbow to never limit yourself on how, where, or when you will meet your partner!
Let God open the doors that he has prepared for you then, you just walk on through it to get your blessings! Be open to trying new things and for goodness sake, don't let negativity from others distract you just because "they wouldn't do it that way". Most of my friends and family thought I jumped the broom too quickly. I told them, just sit back and watch what God did! All of them have now come back and said, "You were right!". He's a great guy! Just think of the blessings I would have missed by listening to "people" instead of believing what God told me. Don't give up! Stay true to your standards! Your season of love is coming; be patient and be anxious for nothing! If you see red flags, believe it; don't ignore them. It's better to walk away sooner versus later. Use the tools that Tera has provided us; they work if you work 'em!! Meeting Tera in the restaurant that Saturday morning after seeing her on TV was definitely Divine Intervention in my life. Thank you, Tera for being the vessel that God used to bring me to my Blessing!
50-Something Professional
Status: Married
Location: Dallas, TX
*not pic of actual client

Thanks so much for your help, Tera. You were a Godsend and I’m grateful for your support and positivity as I navigated this dating process.
Persistence has truly paid off! You helped me to gain clarity about what was truly important and encouraged me to keep going even when I wanted to throw in the towel and it was worth it! I’m now in a great relationship and things are moving nicely. Everything we talked about standard wise for a mate has been met. You are great at what you do!!! Keep doing what you’re doing sis!!!"
40-something Attorney
Status: Married
Location: Ladson, SC
*Actual client photo
Tera I have been meaning to write you to tell you how AMAZING Sunday was.
I love your genuine desire to help us ladies find the love that we are meant to have. There will be many families and legacies built because you have poured into us. For years I swore off dating that was until I met you. You instilled in me the confidence to find the love that I have prayed for. When I experienced my first dating set back you were my counselor and cheerleader who encouraged me to keep going and not give up. I love your candid honest advice and I am definitely becoming a savvy dater about is learning to finesse her flirt. I pray that with all your savvy advice I will be “off the market” soon. You have a gift and I pray your business (which is your passion) continues to grow. Thank you for all you do. I have to get going because I have virtual ice cream date tonight but I wanted to tell you thank you."
40-something Law Enforcement professional
Dallas, TX
*not pic of actual client

Yo Girl is Getting Married!
40-Something Financial Services Professional
Status: Engaged
Los Angeles, CA
*Actual client photo